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Lorraine Day, M.D. discusses. . .

Natural, Alternative Therapies for all Diseases including Cancer

Dr. Lorraine Day reversed her severe, advanced, 4th stage, metastatic cancer by rebuilding her immune system by natural therapies, so her body could heal itself.

Dr. Day is an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author, who was for 15 years on the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery. She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital.

She has been invited to lecture extensively throughout the U.S. and the world and has appeared on numerous radio and television shows including 60 minutes, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah Winfrey, Larry King Live, The 700 Club, USA Radio Network, Art Bell Radio Show, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and has been interviewed on numerous podcasts and alternative media programs.


About Dr. Day


Gift from God

It is with great sadness and regret, that we announce that Dr. Lorraine Day passed away on November 10, 2023.  She was a pioneer and visionary in the fields of health and Christianity.  Her friends and family will miss her very much.  To honor her legacy, her books, videos and CDs will still be available for purchase through the website or over the phone 760-343-0965.

Thank you!  Sincerely, Dr. Day’s Sons.

Free Bible Studies

Past Bible Studies with Dr. Lorraine Day

Dr. Lorraine Day
Click here



Interviews by Dr. Lorraine Day
click here


When You Want to Know the Truth!
Podcasts by Dr. Lorraine Day
click here

Dr. Lorraine Day
Watch "The Cure For Cancer"
Video by Dr. Lorraine Day
click here



More Articles on Health
click here





"America's Healthiest Fast Food"
says Dr. Lorraine Day

Also BetaCarrot and BetaBeet



Books by Lorraine Day, M.D.

Click on each Book for More Information


Who Rewrote The Bible?

Germs Don't CAUSE Disease
any more than Flies CAUSE Garbage!

What Does it Take to Get Well?

I Will Give You Back Your
Health Again

Getting Started on Getting Well

You Can't Improve On God
The Book

Who Started The Organized Church?

If Jesus Died For ALL,
Why Can't He Save ALL?

When is Jesus Coming?

Stress Success!
Overcoming Stress in a
Stressful World

The Coming New World Order

Who Wants Homosexuals Dead?

My Utmost For His Highest

Condoms Don't Work!


CD's and DVD's by Lorraine Day, M.D.

Click on each CD or DVD for More Information

You Can't Improve On God

Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore!

Diseases Don't Just Happen

Sorting Through The Maze of Alternative Medicine

Drugs Never Cure Disease!

Double Blind
What Science Can't See!

Believing is Seeing

Is it EVER God's Will
that you NOT be healed?

Eye See

Turn on the LIGHT!

What Happens At The Judgement?

Was Jesus Really Resurrected On Sunday?


Combination Packages by Lorraine Day, M.D.

Click on each Combination Package for More Information




This video describes the EXACT TEN STEP plan she used to get well!

Click here to see the tumor Dr. Day endured.

"You have cancer. You're going to die!" The doctors told me. "but they were wrong!" says Lorraine Day, M.D. "I refused mutilating surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, the treatment methods ALL physicians are taught, and got well by using God's natural remedies instead. "I'll tell you exactly how I did it!"

Dr. Day was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer but rejected standard therapies because of their destructive side effects and because those therapies often lead to death. She chose instead to rebuild her immune system using the natural, simple, inexpensive therapies designed by God and outlined in the Bible, so her body could heal itself.

In this DVD Dr. Day reveals:

bullet The EXACT TEN STEP plan she used to get well!

bullet Why what you put in your mouth determines whether you're sick or well.

bullet Why you may think you're sick - but you're really thirsty.

bullet How anyone can carry out this natural, simple, inexpensive plan at home.

bullet How this plan has been used successfully by many patients with different types of life-threatening diseases to regain their health






Says Lorraine Day, M.D.

As a physician who developed cancer herself, Dr. Lorraine Day was well aware that physicians are more afraid of cancer than patients are, because doctors KNOW that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are NOT the answer to cancer.

She will help you understand why you don't need to fear cancer. She explains to you in terms you can understand all the confusing medical jargon you will hear from doctors. By following the orderly system of evaluation that she presents, you can then make calm, intelligent decisions about the best treatment methods for you.

In this astonishing and informative DVD, Dr. Day reveals:

bullet  What YOU need to know to make the important decisions for your treatment

bullet  Why doctors don't know, and are never taught, how to get you well from cancer

bullet  The dangers of chemotherapy and radiation and why cancer is BIG BUSINESS!

bullet  Who controls the Cancer Industry, the FDA and the American Cancer Society

bullet  Who controls what the media tells you about cancer treatment

bullet  The CAUSES of cancer and how YOU can reverse them -- and GET WELL!

bullet  Specific information on Breast Cancer and Prostrate Cancer

Not Scared

$29.95 Web Site Special
2 Pack includes:

Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore DVD and
More on Cancer CD
(see below)


Cancer Book

"More on Cancer"


Lorraine Day, M.D.

This CD information supplements the information on Dr. Day's DVD,
Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore."

It accompanies the DVD and cannot be used alone.


"More on Cancer" continues where the DVD, "Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore" leaves off. At the end of the DVD, Dr. Day discusses two specific cancers in detail, breast cancer and prostate cancer, documenting the causes of these cancers, then revealing the methods of prevention and reversal of these cancers by natural therapies.

She then details the dangerous treatments offered by orthodox medicine and why they are so damaging to your body, specifically your immune system, the only system in your body that can get you well!

In this compelling CD, Dr. Day discusses these same aspects of more than twenty additional cancers, including:

bullet  colon cancer

bullet  malignant melanoma

bullet  leukemia: AML, ALL, CML, CLL

bullet  sarcomas: osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Ewing's

bullet  ovarian, uterine and cervical cancer

bullet  cancer of the bladder, brain, stomach, pancreas, liver, thyroid and lung

bullet  lymphomas: Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkins




Super Starter Package

The Health Plan Dr. Day Used to Reverse Her
4th Stage Metastatic Cancer and Parkinson's


U.S. $130.00

Does not include shipping.

Calif. customers add $14.00 sales tax

No Substitutions.
Super Starter Package includes:

You Can't Improve on God - The Book
Getting Started on Getting Well - Book
What Does it Take to Get Well? - Book
I Will Give You Back Your Health Again - Book
Stress Success - Book
My Utmost for His Highest - Book

Please make your selection carefully. Merchandise is not returnable. All Sales are Final. Any defective items will be replaced if returned within 7 days of receipt.

Orders are shipped by Priority Mail and usually will be received by customer within 4-7 days. Checks & Money orders must be in U.S. funds on a U.S. bank ONLY.


This Starter Package must be ordered by itself.  It is pre-packaged and ready to ship to give you this savings. Any additional items must be ordered on a separate order. They will be charged and shipped separately.



I Will Give You Back
Your Health Again
There is Only One Way to Get Well and that is to reverse the factors that made you sick.

by Lorraine Day, M.D.

Until you address all the factors that made your body sick, it will continue to be your very own “disease factory” producing one or more different diseases in your body, including high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, neurological diseases like Parkinson’s, as well as cancer.

Once you learn how you made yourself sick, you will have the knowledge and power to change those factors and restore your body to its maximum health, including:

bullet  How to Stop Killing yourself.

bullet  Why Chemotherapy is a weapon of mass destruction.

bullet  Slow Death by Drug medications: deadly side effects.

bullet  Sugar, coffee, fluoride: poisons to your body.

bullet  Dangers of surgery to your immune system.

bullet  The Alarming ingredients in processed foods!

bullet  Are Yoga exercises good for your health?

bullet  Why Type "T" personalities develop disease.

bullet  Why the "Wisdom" of the world of orthodox medicine is Foolishness with God.

bullet  "Ask and you shall receive," the Bible says.  Why doesn't that seem to work?

bullet  What is the Key to understanding Healing Truth?

bullet  Why virtually everything that makes you Healthy is - - - Free!


Health Back book







Overcoming Stress in a Stressful World


by Lorraine Day, M.D.

It is impossible to get well from Cancer or any other serious disease without learning to overcome Stress. Of the three main causes of disease, malnutrition (poor nutrition), dehydration, and stress, the most difficult one to master in restoring health is STRESS (worry, fear, and anger). The orthodox medical “answer” is to give dangerous and even life-threatening anti-depressant drugs to cover up the symptoms of these stresses, with results that are profoundly destructive to the patient’s mental and physical health.

But Dr. Lorraine Day reveals a far better way to handle stress, WITHOUT Drugs, a way that helps HEAL the body rather than harming it.

1. What Must I Do to Be Healed?
  • The ONE-Step Plan to Getting Well
  • Miracle Healings: Who is behind them?
  • Can God’s Absolute Promise of Healing Be Trusted?

2. Healing in a Day: Better than Valium, More Effective than Prozac

  • How stress CAUSES disease
  • The disasters of Antidepressant Drugs
  • Finding Peace in a Troubled World
3.  Disease and the Great Delusion
  • Why Cancer is a Blessing
  • The KEY to Overcoming Confusion 
  • Your choice of treatment has Eternal Consequences

4.  Cancer Cures and the Law of Gravity

  • Immutable Laws that govern our health
  • God’s way versus “man’s” way
  • Receiving God’s TRUE “Holy Spirit”
  • Handling health “advice” from family and friends

5.  Cancer: Why Surgery is ALWAYS Necessary but NOT with a Surgeon’s Knife!

  • Why I must give up my right to myself
  • The POWER of Forgiveness
  • Are Doctors a Gift from God or “Agents of Death”?









What Does it Take to Get Well?

by Lorraine Day, M.D.

There are two aspects to Getting Well from a serious life-threatening disease:

  1. all the specific things you must change about your life, including the way you are living, thinking, acting, eating, and handling stress, and

  2. how to find the courage, determination, and commitment actually to make those changes. Because if you don’t find a way to obtain these characteristics, then you will not be able to do what it takes to Get Well.

This book addresses the second aspect of reversing your disease. (The first aspect is addressed on my DVD “You Can’t Improve on God” and a number of my other DVDs, CDs, and books.)

Getting Well is not just about what you must do - it is also about whom you must become. Getting Well requires that you give up many dearly-held, bad habits - permanently - habits that are contributing to your illness. In this book you will learn:


Get Well Book




bullet  Why Cancer – and ALL Other Diseases – are a Blessing!

bullet  How to Overcome Fear

bullet  Your Doctor Can’t Cure Your Cancer Because He Can’t Prevent or Cure His Own!

bullet  You Aren’t Sick Because You Have Cancer; You Have Cancer BECAUSE You Are Sick

bullet  Don’t I Need a Specific Diagnosis?

bullet  Aren’t There Many Ways to Get Well?

bullet  Your Body is Designed to Heal Itself

bullet  Why Cancer is NOT Genetic!

bullet  What about Mental Illness?

bullet  Your Biggest Hurdle: Believing!

bullet  You Can’t Twitter Your Way to Health

bullet  The Good News About God






If Jesus Died for ALL,
Why Can’t He Save ALL?

Is He Unable?
Is He Unwilling?
Or is Man’s Will Stronger Than God’s Will?

by Lorraine Day, M.D.


Prevailing Christian theology asks us to believe that an All-powerful, All-knowing God would do what no human parent would ever do: create tens of billions of flawed and fragile creatures, pluck out a few favorites to shower with His overwhelming love, and send the rest to an eternity of unrelenting torment.

The Bible tells us God knows the end from the beginning, so God obviously knew before He created humanity that most people would NOT turn to Him and He would have to burn them in hellfire FOREVER (or at least for some period of time)! And, according to church doctrine, they would have “No Second Chance” to be saved. So their burning in hellfire is strictly punitive – just to watch them suffer – with NO chance for redemption!

What kind of a God would do that?

bullet  When God created humanity, did He have a Plan? If so, what was it?

bullet  Is God unable to save us, unless “WE let Him”? Is anything impossible with God?

bullet  Can “man” tell God what God Can, and Cannot, Do? Who’s in charge, man or God?

bullet If becoming a sinner was “automatic” (no “choice”) – why isn’t salvation “automatic”?

bullet  Are God’s disciplines just to cause us pain, or to turn us back to right-doing?

bullet  Is God’s Purpose for the Judgment to resurrect the wicked – just to kill them again?

bullet  The word “Gospel” means “Good News.” Is Hellfire “Good News”?

bullet  Can Satan do anything that God doesn’t allow? If God allows it, isn’t it God’s will?






2 CD Set
Lorraine Day, M.D.

Eye See
Eye See book
2 CD Set


One of the most frightening thoughts a person can have is that of going blind. To lose one's eyesight is a catastrophe that changes every aspect of one's life. Lorraine Day, M.D. reveals the amazingly simple plan to prevent and reverse serious eye diseases that affect almost 50% of all Americans over the age of 65 and often lead to severe vision loss and even blindness.

She also explains a plan that can help you get rid of your eyeglasses, without surgery, so you can see and read comfortably.

In this set of 2 CDs, Dr. Day reveals:

bullet  How to prevent and reverse: cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, and other eye diseases and disorders

bullet  How to get rid of your eyeglasses and still read and see comfortably without surgery

bullet  The food additives in virtually all processed food that can cause blindness

bullet   The dangerous side effects of eye drop medications

bullet   The damaging side effects to the eye from many drug medications commonly prescribed for arthritis, high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases, heart attacks, strokes and other diseases.

bullet   How to have willpower to follow the plan necessary to prevent and /or reverse eye diseases and disorders




DVD Pack

Calif. customers add $5.70 sales tax
Does not include shipping.
You choose any 4 DVD's.
4 DVD Pack includes Any 4 DVD's:

bullet  You Can't Improve on God
bullet  Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore
bullet  Diseases Don't Just Happen
bullet  Sorting Through The Maze
bullet  Turn on the LIGHT!
bullet  Drugs Never Cure Disease
bullet  Double Blind: What Science Can't See
bullet  Believing is Seeing
bullet  He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not:
    Is It EVER God's Will That You NOT Be Healed?
bullet  What Happens At The Judgement!
bullet  Was Jesus Really Resurrected On Sunday?

Please make your selection carefully. Merchandise is not returnable. All Sales are Final. Any defective items will be replaced if returned within 7 days of receipt.

Orders are shipped by Priority Mail and usually will be received by customer within 4-7 days. Checks & Money Orders must be in U.S. funds on a U.S. bank ONLY.


This 4 DVD Package must be ordered by itself.  It is pre-packaged and ready to ship to give you this savings. Any additional items must be ordered on a separate order. They will be charged and shipped separately.





Who Started the Organized Church? It Wasn’t God!

For the first 4,000 years of human history NO ONE “Went to Church.”

Then What Happened?

Lorraine Day, M.D.






In this Book Dr. Day reveals:

bullet Why was the “Church” started only 2,000 years ago?

bullet The Temple in Jerusalem was NOT a “Church”

bullet Doesn’t the Bible say, “Don’t Forsake the Assembling of ‘Believers’?

bullet The Elijah Message is the LAST MESSAGE to the earth before Jesus comes.

bullet What IS the “Elijah Message”? Why don’t Christians understand it?

bullet Does God require human burning sacrifices just like Satan? Is there a “Hell”?

bullet Why and How “Christian” Churches are DESTROYING true Christianity?

bullet Why do ALL Christian denominations teach that Satan is more powerful than Christ?

bullet The Scofield Bible Fraud; Who is behind it?

bullet The Judaizing of Christianity; Why is it happening?

bullet Why the U.S. government can now Legally Kill Christians – just for worshiping Christ!

bullet What is the “Hidden Secret” in the Bible that God wants us to know?

If the Organized Church was “so important” to God, as virtually ALL pastors and theologians teach, then WHY didn’t God start the Organized Church within 500 years after creation, when there were plenty of people to “go to church”? If “going to church” is such a great idea, and endorsed by God, why didn’t ANY of the following patriarch or prophets “go to church”: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel?

NONE of them “went to church.” They worshiped God directly, with no one in between! That was God’s Way! So, Who Started the Organized Church? And Why?


Germs Don’t CAUSE Disease
any more than
Flies CAUSE Garbage!

The Fraudulent "Germ Theory" EXPOSED!

by Lorraine Day, M.D.


germs book




bullet Is the “Germ Theory” True or False?

bullet Scientists say you have 10 Trillion "GOOD" bacteria in your colon, and they comprise one-third of your immune system. Then why do doctors prescribe antibiotics that WIPE OUT the “GOOD” bacteria in your colon?

bullet Scientists say there are 30,000 different types of bacteria, but less than 100 of them cause disease. Why don’t the other 29,900 bacteria cause disease?

bullet Scientists say there are a Quadrillion viruses in the world – more than all the stars in the sky, but only 219 of them cause disease. Why don’t the others cause disease?

bullet  Does a rash mean a disease is contagious?

bullet  What causes the destruction of your gut bacteria, and how does a person rejuvenate their microbiome?

bullet What does God say, in the Bible, about diseases being spread through the air?

bullet What happens to the DNA and RNA in a cell when it dies?

bullet How many of the epidemics in the U.S. in the last one hundred years have been REAL, and how many have been FAKE?

bullet If neither Genes nor Germs cause disease, what DOES cause disease?

bullet Is there a Cure for ALL Diseases?






When is Jesus Coming?

by Lorraine Day, M.D.

"None of the wicked shall understand;
But the wise shall understand."
- Daniel 12:10

In the last 150 years, many individuals and groups have predicted the the Second Coming of Christ. And obviously, all of them have been wrong! So, how is the information in this book any different?

In the Bible, Jesus tells us repeatedly to, "Watch and Be Ready!" What are the specific things we should be watching for?


Jesus Coming Book




bullet  How can we know for sure that we are in the End Times?

bullet  Is a One World Government already in power – but just hidden, working from behind the scenes?

bullet  Why are they building the headquarters for a One World Religion in a Muslim country that outlaws conversion to Christianity?

bullet  Is the Anti-Christ a person – or a system?

bullet  The Mark of the Beast is not a chip or a barcode or a vaccination. So, what IS the Mark of the Beast?

bullet  What specific event marks the beginning of the “Tribulation”? How soon after the Tribulation will Jesus come?

bullet  Will there be a "Secret Rapture"?

bullet  In what year did the U.S. Government pass a law making it legal to Kill Christians for worshiping Jesus Christ?

bullet  How and when will the wicked "reap what they have sown"?

bullet  How can we know for sure who will be saved?

In this book, you will find the answers to these questions, and many more!






The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World

Who's Doing it and Why?

by Lorraine Day, M.D.

30 YEARS of Research in ONE Book!

Over 800 full-size pages


EVERYTHING You Need to Know!

bullet  The One World Government has been planned for hundreds of years: Proof!

bullet  The Planned Destruction of the U.S. Military: Who’s doing it and Why?

bullet  Who killed the Kennedys and Diana?

bullet  When will they take away your guns?

bullet  What 3 Cities run the world?

bullet  Underground bases in America: Why?

bullet  Did we REALLY go to the Moon?

bullet  Did Osama bin Laden work for the CIA?

bullet  Transhumanism: What does that mean?

bullet  Americans are embracing their killers!

bullet  Is it possible to FAKE an Alien Invasion?

bullet  The Satanic degradation of America’s Elite: How is it happening and Why?

bullet  What is the goal of vaccinating the whole World? Covid-19 and the Great Reset!

bullet  Who Started Black Slavery in America?

bullet  Can “Man” Control the Weather?

bullet  The coming Religion: Worship of Satan!

bullet  Now the U.S. Gov’t can legally kill Christians: For what reason?

bullet  When will ALL this be Over? And How?





You Can't Improve on God
The Book

by Lorraine Day, M.D.

bullet  Why Doctors work at the Wrong End of Cancer, and every other disease

bullet  Are Doctors a “Gift from God” or do they lead us Away from God?

bullet  If Cancer is caused by lifestyle factors, how can babies be Born with Cancer?

bullet  Should ANYONE “Trust the Science”?

bullet  How Doctors have become Agents of Death!

bullet  Those who make a “Killing” from the Killing

bullet  How – and why – the Rockfellers and their agents deliberately destroyed Natural Healing in America

bullet  How that same Rockefeller-founded cabal is continuing to destroy Natural Healing today, including vicious attacks on Dr. Day from the FDA, FTC, AARP, New York Times, and other organizations

bullet  Vaccinations Maim and Kill and Don’t even Work

bullet  How Satanic World Leaders Kill Billions – with ONE Lie

bullet  Does it glorify God to Die of disease?

bullet  How you can Get Well from ANY Disease, including Cancer!


Can't Improve on God book


Cover photo: Dr. Day, age 60 after Reversing her 4th Stage Breast Cancer




PLUS – the Text Format for ALL Seven of
Dr. Day’s DVDs on Health


Amazing NEW Book by Dr. Lorraine Day
That Contains CRITICAL Information
on How She Got Well

Who Rewrote the Bible?






900 Power-Packed Pages

How and Why The Translators Have Deceived the Whole World by Deliberately Changing the Truth of the Bible

Find the answers to the questions that every Christian should be asking!

Has the Bible been changed?   Who tempted Satan to sin?
Are there times when it’s wrong to pray?   What happens when we die?
Does God get angry? What is God’s wrath?   Do we really have Freewill?
Is the God of the Old Testament a “Killer”?   Who created Evil?
Does God punish us for being sinners?   Is Speaking in Tongues of God?
What happens at the Judgment?   Is the Trinity doctrine true?
Don’t confuse “Eternal Life” with Immortality   Why did God create women?
Who wrote the name “Lucifer” into the Bible?   Are Doctors a gift from God?
Why doesn’t God heal anybody anymore?   Will there be a Secret Rapture?
The Good News about Armageddon   Who is the Beast Power?
Did God ever want an Organized Church?   What is the Mark of the Beast?
The Government owns and runs your church   Why did God create humanity?

This book contains the biblical information Dr. Day learned in her “journey”
to Knowing God and Getting Well from her severe, advanced cancer

A Book So Fascinating you will not be able to put it down!

The definition of the word Gospel is Good News! If the Gospel is, indeed, Good News, then it should easily be identifiable as such by both Christians and non-Christians. Unfortunately, the message of the churches – that some will be saved but most will be tortured in hellfire forever or at least for some period of time – is definitely not Good News. Therefore, a re-examination of what the Bible really teaches about the salvation of humanity is long overdue.

Obviously there has been some mistake somewhere, and it turns out that the translators are responsible, and pastors and Bible scholars are complicit in this travesty - partners in crime, if you will - by blindly embracing the erroneous translations.

If God tells us to LOVE our enemies, why is He going to DESTROY His enemies in hellfire?
Can Satan do anything if God does not allow it? If God allows it, is it God’s will?
Who is responsible for sin existing in this world? If the answer is Satan, then why didn’t God prevent it? Or is Satan equal with God?
If Jesus was resurrected on Sunday, why aren’t the words “Sunday” or “first day of the week” found anywhere in any of the original manuscripts of the Bible?
How is God going to “wipe away all your tears” if your loved ones are burning in hellfire?
Why have the words “Jew” and “Gentile” been written into the Bible erroneously. (They aren’t found in the original Bible manuscripts.)




A Workbook Designed to Help You
Implement the Plan Detailed on the Videos/DVDs

(It cannot be used alone.)

E-book             Book

 $27.00             $35.00


A 300 page workbook designed to accompany Dr. Day's health videos/DVDs. It is not to be used by itself, as only the combination of the workbook together with the videos provides adequate information for rebuilding the immune system so the body can then effectively fight the disease and heal itself as God designed.

This workbook, as an adjunct to the videos/DVDs, will help you implement the plan given on the videos, the plan Dr. Day used to get well from advanced cancer.

Why disease is Spiritual Is this Health Plan guaranteed to work?
The Good News about God! Questions to help you learn the video material
The healing power of Bible study and prayer Vaccinations: Are they safe? Do they work?
Natural methods of Pain Control Acceptable foods and forbidden foods
The dangers of microwave ovens Necessary cookware and supplies
Is Soy healthful or dangerous? Sample daily schedule
Hypothyroidism Grocery shopping lists
How to handle insomnia, constipation, urinary incontinence Menus, and over 100 recipes
Overcoming fear And much, much more

Workbook Table of Contents

"Just a Few of the Specific Questions
That Are Answered in This Workbook




The Coming New World Order
How It Will Dramatically Change YOUR Life!

by Lorraine Day, M.D.

• Your Rights  • Your Privacy • Your Marriage • Your Children

• Your Food • Your Water • Your Security • Your Home • Your Assets

• Your Independence • Your Free Speech  • Your Finances

Because of Dr. Lorraine Day’s enormous television and radio exposure over the last thirty years, she has developed an extensive network of “insiders” both nationally and internationally, who want to get the truth to the public but are afraid to speak out individually, but they have no public forum to do so.

This book contains amazing information that you will never see on the News, in the Newspapers, or in News magazines, plus some of the most important documents and data that you will ever encounter, including:

E-Book     Book

$12.00     $15.00

To Order:

In this book you will find :

Direct quotes from U.S. presidents and other world leaders documenting the Coming New World Order that will be a frightening reality very soon
The occult lay-out of Washington, D.C., the U.S. capitol, and who is responsible
Why the U.S. Government is verifiably a Communist Government
The occult logos: of the Federal Reserve, of recycling, on the U.S. dollar bill, of the Trilateral Commission, on the New King James Bible.

The New World Order map of the 10 Kingdoms of the World now being formed, a prophecy found in Revelation, Chapter 17.
Executive Orders, already signed by the U.S. President, that will confiscate everything you own, including your children, and take away all your rights
The specific Foreign Troops that will patrol – and control – the various states in America when Martial Law is declared.
A 1991 letter from the Department of the Army endorsing the building of Civilian Concentration Camps in the U.S.  They are now built and ready for occupancy.
The Plan for the Destruction of Christianity and Christians by the New World Order
The United Religions Initiative initiating a One World Religion
The Apostolic Letter from Pope John Paul II demanding a national Sunday Law – the end of freedom of Religion in America.
The diabolic Perversion and Destruction of Public Education
The Planned Destruction of the Family
Deliberate Degeneracy in the Arts and Entertainment 
The Planned Destruction of the U.S. Military
The Merging of the United States, Canada and Mexico by 2010
How this information fits into Bible prophecy about the New World Order – but not the interpretation of the Evangelical churches


  Who Wants Homosexuals Dead?

by Lorraine Day, M.D.


If killing a homosexual is the ultimate “Hate Crime” then let’s expose the guilty parties!

E-Book   Book

$12.00   $16.00

Order Online

Could it be true that the same groups who promote homosexuality actually want homosexuals dead, including the U.S. Public Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control, the psychiatrists, the Jewish/New World Order/Illuminati, and even the homosexuals themselves? In this enlightening and medically scientific book by Lorraine Day, M.D., you will find the answers to these compelling questions as well as those below, answers you will not find anywhere else.

Are homosexuals born gay? If “yes” or “no” – give us the scientific evidence!
Is it possible for a homosexual to change to a heterosexual lifestyle? Does the government have the right to prohibit such a change?
Are homosexual relationships just like heterosexual relationships?
Is the homosexual lifestyle so dangerous that it enormously increases their chance of developing a number of life-threatening diseases?
Does the male homosexual lifestyle decrease their life expectancy by decades?
Is the mainstream media reporting the gay scene properly, or do they have an agenda?
Aren’t those who don’t endorse the gay lifestyle nothing more than narrow-minded homophobic bigots?
Can we trust those in positions of power in government, medicine, and religion to tell us the truth about these issues?

154 page paperback. Price: $16.00


  Condoms Don't Work

by Lorraine Day, M.D.

“Condoms are the answer for safe sex,” according to
the Health Departments of the Federal Government
and ALL State Governments.  But what they don’t tell
the public is that the latex in condoms has microscopic
holes 40-50 times Larger than a virus particle.

Furthermore, sexually transmitted diseases are caused
by toxins produced by the infected person, and toxins are
chemicals that easily flow right through the holes in condoms.

In this booklet, you will find learn:

1.    The Government knows that Condoms are NOT Safe
2.    The tests done on condoms looking for leakage of
         the AIDS virus during “simulated” sex studies, did
         NOT include Motion!!!
3.    Condoms are one of the worst forms of Birth Control
4.    Lubricants, hot weather and smog damage condoms



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More DVDs and CDs Below




Cancer and Health - Books & Tapes

Super Starter Package

4 DVD Package

Who Rewrote the Bible?

Who Started the Organized Church?

If Jesus Died for ALL, Why Can't He Save ALL?

When is Jesus Coming? new

What Does it Take to Get Well?

I Will Give You Back Your Health Again

Germs Don't Cause Disease new

Stress Success

Eye See: Prevent and Reverse Eye Disease

Getting Started on Getting Well (workbook)

Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore and More on Cancer

Double Blind

He Loves Me. He Loves Me Not.

Believing is Seeing!

Drugs Never Cure Disease

Sorting Through the MAZE of Alternative Medicine

You Can't Improve Upon God

Diseases Don't Just Happen

Turn on the Light: Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

What Do I Need to Get Started on the Health Plan?

Dr. Day Responds to Her Critics

The Tumor Dr. Day Endured


Good News About God

Additional Information


Why Your Doctor Can't Cure You

You aren't sick Because you have Cancer -
You have Cancer Because you are sick!

Will My Body Heal Itself?

Doesn't Everyone Die Sometime?

Swine Flu HOAX

Bird Flu HOAX


Small Pox


Mad Cow Disease

Attention Deficit Disorder

Questions on Dentistry

God's Healing Promises

Frequently Asked Questions About Health

The Deliberate Destruction of America and the World

Contacting Dr. Day

Bible Studies by Dr. Day

Bible Studies


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